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Business Category * Adult Living & Care Auto Industry Business Service Child Care & Development Construction / Contractors Distribution / Packaging Education Entertainment Equipment Rental & Repair Events Healthcare / Medical Home Services Manufacturing/Wholesale Personal Service Pets & Wildlife Print/Mail Recreation Restaurant/Bar Retail Sports & Hobbies Transportation Travel / Tourism Trucking Warehouse
Are you a franchisee? * Yes No
Do you have more than one physical business location? * Yes (all in Missouri) Yes (multiple states) No
How many locations do you have in Missouri? *
Please list states & number of locations in each state.
City, State of your headquarters: *
Fully staffed, how many employees do you have in peak season? 0-20 employees 21-50 employees 51-100 employees 100+ employees
For the locations you would like quotes for, list the city, state and total # of employees when fully staffed in peak season.
Does your business shut down for part of the year? * Yes No
Tell us what areas within your business you would like to improve that are not listed above.
Brief description of unskilled/manual labor tasks you could use workers for?
Summary of Positions & Credentials you may need workers for:
Do you have tasks that can be done by workers under 18 yrs old? * Yes No
Brief description of tasks that can be done by workers under 18yrs of age:
During your peak season, how many days a month do you estimate you would need workers? *
Additional Comments/Questions