Kyle’s Story: A hardworking young adult who’s been with a general contractor for nearly two years. He loves his job, constantly learning new skills, and enjoys the camaraderie with his co-workers and leadership team. Kyle and his girlfriend dream of getting their own place, but saving money is challenging, even with a full-time paycheck.

Kyle’s job isn’t always predictable. Sometimes, after finishing a project, like a kitchen remodel, in the middle of the day, there’s not enough time to start a new project, and he ends up going home early—losing hours of pay. Bad weather can also mean lost hours or entire days off work. He works ten-hour days from Monday to Thursday, but sometimes there isn’t enough work for everyone, and shifts get cut.

To make ends meet, Kyle often picks up extra shifts on Fridays, Saturdays, and whenever he finds gaps in his schedule. Whether supplementing his income or saving for the future, ShiftSub has been a game-changer for Kyle.

More About Kyle: He’s a high school graduate who played competitive hockey and holds an Associate’s Degree in Business. He owns his pickup truck and tools, making him versatile in the jobs he can take on—whether in construction, at a restaurant, in a warehouse, or for a moving company. What sets Kyle apart is his reliability, strong work ethic, and commitment to delivering quality work. He’s personable, communicates well, and genuinely cares about the job he does.

For Businesses: When you’re short-staffed and need reliable help, why wouldn’t you want to build a long-term relationship with workers like Kyle? Every time Kyle works for you, he learns more about your business, making him even more valuable over time. Imagine having a pool of reliable workers, ready to step in when you have open shifts—it’s a no-brainer.

ShiftSub bridges the gap between employers and today’s modern workforce, creating a win-win for both sides. For Kyle, the ability to connect with multiple employers through a single platform is crucial. He doesn’t want the hassle of managing multiple apps just to see available shifts or keep track of his schedule. That’s what makes ShiftSub unique—it’s designed to work for both employers and workers seamlessly.

ShiftSub: We’re closing the mindset gap between employers and today’s modern workforce. Join us today!

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